1. B: That´s right. It was the Party that got the workers organized and made them feel their own strength.

2. Thus the rods, by falling, and by the direction in which they fell, recorded for the slumbering scientist the strength of a shock that was too weak to waken him, and the direction from which it came.

3. This was a great lesson to me, and now I saw, though too late, the folly of beginning a work before we count the cost, and before we judge rightly of our own strength to go through with it.

4. The continual source of our strength was our mutual trust and respect.

5. Three years later, I find myself enjoying my relationship with this brilliant man who talks about the yield curve and other financial statistics, who prays when I drive,

6. Nights are long in hospitals, but all through the night the young Marine sat there in the dimly-lit ward, holding the old man's hand and offering words of hope and strength.

7. His handling of the crisis attested to his strength of character.

8. His strength has diminished over the years.
    经过这许多年月, 他的体力不如从前了.

9. He hadn´t enough strength of mind to refuse.

10. However, size and strength are not the only important things about this bridge.